Successful delivery of the first crude oil shipment

At the beginning of September, Petrolimex Singapore has successfully delivered the first lot of crude oil of 2014 - 2015 contract signed with Ceylon Petroleum Corporation.
MV Explorer delivering oil at Colombo port (Picture by Bureau Veritas Lanka Pvt Ltd)
This is a shipment of 100,000 metric tons (MT) of crude from Oman to Colombo port of Sri Lanka transported by crude carrier Explorer. The shipment arrived at load port on Sept. 6th and safely delivered.
In a situation of fierce competition in international oil business, braving lots of challenges and difficulties in market, Petrolimex Singapore successful delivery of 100,000MT to Sri Lanka has confirmed the determination of the company to expand market.
The relation between Ceylon Petroleum Corporation and Petrolimex Singapore is expected to open up many fields of cooperation in development strategy of both sides, marking the first step of market penetration by Petrolimex Singapore in particular and Vietnam National Petroleum Group in general.
Two more shipments from now to the end of this year are scheduled by Petrolimex Singapore in the contract with CPC.