Petrolimex website welcomes new head of editorial board

The Director General of Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Group/Petrolimex) Pham Duc Thang signed and issued Decision No680/PLX-QĐ-TGĐ on November 22, according to whichDeputy Director General – Petrolimex spokesperson Nguyen Quang Dungwill head the editorial board ofthe website,replacing Deputy Director General Tran Ngoc Nam who will be in charge of the business area.
Deputy Director General – Head of the editorial board of the website Nguyen Quang Dung presides over the first meeting with Petrolimex’s PR Division
During the first working session on November 21, Deputy head of the editorial board and Head of the Public Relations (PR) Division of Petrolimex Nguyen Xuan Hoai reported to the Deputy Director General Nguyen Quang Dung about the functions and duties of the editorial board and PR Division as well as the assignment of duties to members of their members; fundamental principles and measures to carry out works under the Petrolimex/PLX Brand Strategy; implement concrete activities on petroleum transparency, shareholder/investor information, disseminating Petrolimex/PLX news to all Petrolimex employees and the public to achieve grassroots democracy and social opinion study goals; whereas, reinforce the building, strengthening andprotection ofPetrolimex brand – the precious asset developed over the past 60 years of many generations of Petrolimex officials and labourers, bring into full play the strength of andsuccessfully protectthe brand againstany acts of infringing uponthe Petrolimex brand which has recently been recogniseda well-known brand, and ranked amongtop 1,000 Asian Brandsandtop 50 listed companies in Vietnam in 2017.
Deputy General Director – Head of the editorial board of the website Nguyen Quang Dung spoke highly of efficiency of the work the editorial board and PR Division has been carrying out; and requested the editorial board and PR Division members to stay focused on key areas as follows:
First, build and implement communication plan on new products (E5andDO level V).
Second, co-ordinate with relevant professional divisions to increase the number of articles published in the “Research & Development” section to enhance specialised information, raise issues that need further analysis, predict energy consumption trends, and propose solutions in response to business environment changes.
Third, build some typical scenarios for communication crisis management in accordance with the Petrolimex Brand Management Process and Petrolimex Brand Strategy.
Fourth, organise activities on application of Petrolimex brand identity in accordance with the objective of thorough integration throughout the Petrolimex system; whilst stay determined tosuccessfully protect the Petrolimex brandagainst any infringements which are prevailing in these days.
Fifth, continue studying and effectively implementing the provision of Petrolimex information toshareholders/investors; enhancing communications through Facebook to the whole Petrolimex staff as well as their relatives/families to let Petrolimex’s PR career become the work ofall people, all membersand a non-stop process, truly demonstratingsoldiers’ characteristics at PLXin the era ofintegration.